5 Tips for Living with Dentures

5 Tips for Living with Dentures

Jun 16, 2019

Dentures surely help you regain your confidence and smile. Having said that, managing them can sure be a task.My STL Dentists provide 5 top tips to deal with dentures effectively. For more details you can reach out directly to the sunset hills dentist near you.

1.) Don’t Let Your Dentures Dry Out

When you aren’t using your dentures, make sure to keep them in a glass of water or a cleansing solution. Dentures are very similar to actual teeth, they need to be kept wet to avoid damage.

The last thing anyone wants is damaged dentures after having spent so much. So, it’s better to be safe than sorry. The expert dentist at 63127 guide you with every step of the way.

2.) Brush Your Dentures Twice a Day

Natural teeth develop plaque if they are not maintained or brushed regularly. It is the same with dentures. The dentist at sunset hills mo will tell recommend you to brush your dentures twice a day as you would for your normal teeth.

3.) Don’t Forget to Brush Your Gums

You are prone to gum disease with or without teeth. While you take care of dentures, make it a point to clean your gums of any food particles that might lead to decay. Lightly brush your gums while you are practising your usual dental hygiene. Avoid being too rough on your gums as it may lead to bleeding and injuries.

4.) Practice Speaking with Dentures

Your muscles and mouth will take a while to be habituated to wearing dentures. So, you might have a little difficulty speaking in the beginning. You can practice by reading loudly. You can also take the help of the experts at My STL Dentist.

5.) Know How to Correct Slipping Dentures

Usually while sneezing or laughing, one may experience the dentures slipping out. You can subtly bite it down and swallow without attracting too much attention. This should do the trick. If this problem prevails, you can schedule an appointment with the experts at My STL Dentist to help the dentures fit you properly.

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