What You Need to Know About Dental Crowns

What You Need to Know About Dental Crowns

Apr 01, 2020

Several dental solutions are available that can correct damaged teeth. However, if you have severely misshapen, decayed, broken, or cracked teeth, the dental crowns are perfect. These dental caps cover your teeth to restore the appearance and size of the teeth. Not only that, but they can be used to correct a range of dental imperfections. But, before you can come to My STL Dentist for a dental crown procedure, here is what you need to know.

1. Dental Crowns Are Easy to Install

The dental crowns need on average two dental visits and the procedure involves a few steps.

First dental appointment

Your first dental visit is the most complex and involves a few procedures. To begin with, the dentist will examine and assess your dental health using modern technology. They will check for decay and cavities if any is present root canal treatment may be done. Professional cleaning is also done to remove plaque buildup.

Next, the dentist will trim the grooves of the teeth to make room for the crown. Don’t worry local anesthesia will be given to numb the gums and reduce pain. Afterward, a dental impression will be taken to make the permanent crowns.

It can take two to three weeks to make the dental caps, so the dentist will give you temporary crowns to protect your teeth against sensitivity.

Second appointment

The second consultation will last for a few minutes as it involves removing the temporary crowns and replacing them with the permanent ones. Special cement will be used to fix and hold the crowns in place.
The dentist may set a dental follow-up but don’t hesitate to contact us when you notice anything is amiss.

2. The Crowns Cover a Range of Dental Imperfections

Dental caps can fix multiple dental problems which include:

  • Dental cavities and decay
  • Correct misshapen and discolored teeth
  • To support teeth that need a dental bridge
  • Strengthen weak teeth
  • To restore the function of a broken tooth
  • Cosmetic modification

Children can also use dental caps to prevent cavities and protect their primary teeth.

3. Different Dental Caps are available

Porcelain crowns are commonly used to cover the teeth because they mimic your teeth in function and appearance. However, you can still choose ceramic, metal, and porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns. All these crown materials have pros and cons, so talk to the dentist about the types and durability.

4. No, You Can’t Whiten the Dental Caps

One downside of dental crowns like ceramic can discolor. Teeth discoloration is a normal occurrence, but while you can whiten your natural teeth, the crowns can’t be whitened. The dentist will perform professional teeth whitening before choosing the shade of the teeth.

Additionally, it is recommended to limit the consumption of foods and drinks such as coffee, wine, and tea.

5. A Few Complications Can Arise

After installation, you may feel slight discomfort and pressure on the gums and tooth sensitivity too. The sensitivity should last for a few days, but if you feel severe pain, then come for an assessment. Other complications include chipping, falling, and loosening of the crown. Furthermore, you may develop gum darkening especially if you choose porcelain-fused-to-metal.

Allergic reactions and gum disease may also develop, though it’s rare.

6. There Are No Special Dental Instructions

There is no special instruction as the dental caps encase your natural teeth and therefore will feel and look like your natural teeth, but you need to maintain your daily oral routine. Remember that the teeth underneath can still decay and brushing is the best way to keep bacteria off. Additionally, it is important to watch what you eat to avoid discoloration.

Dental crowns can last between five and 15 years based on your dental hygiene before they are replaced.

Schedule an Appointment

Don’t live with a crooked and dull smile when solutions such as dental crowns are available. Contact us and schedule an appointment and our dental team will help you in choosing a suitable dental crown.

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